Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Joe McNally

Photos by Joe McNally

Both of these photographs appeal to be because of how the lighting works with the sky.

Annie Leibovitz

Photos by Annie Leibovitz
The first picture appeals to me because Cinderella is one of my all time favorite movies. In the second photo I like the style of lighting that is used.

Walde Huth

Photos by Walde Huth

In the first photo I like how the woman is the center of focus. With the use of shallow depth of field everything else is the background isnt sharp. The second photograph appeals to be because of the Effiel Tower in the background.

Richard Avedon

Photo by Richard Avedon

First: I like this photograph because of the size of the glasses. I also like the lighting.

Second:This photograph is appealing to me because I love how the photo was taken. Its an interesting angle and it looks like she's about to take off flying.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Irving Penn

Photos by Irving Penn.

In the first photo I like how the sleeve of her shirt is the center of focus. What I like about the second photograph because of the style of the photograph, its different from other pictures.

Thursday, March 11, 2010